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Hindsight Presents 
Changing Skies

Writing Through the Climate Crisis


Hindsight Presents: Changing Skies: Writing Through The Climate Crisis

Changing Skies is the sister title to Hindsight, highlighting creative nonfiction that focuses on the voices of those experiencing our constantly-evolving existential reality. Changing Skies aims to educate, inspire, uplift, and ground those who read it through a hand-curated compilation of prose, poetry, and artwork submitted from all corners of the globe.  


Changing Skies came about in its earliest form as a collaboration between CU Boulder's Program for Writing and Rhetoric and Scott King's Mission Zero Fund. In partnership with Mission Zero, Changing Skies printed its first volume and was a smash success at the 2023 Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference (AWP). Since Changing Skies' first volume, Hindsight has begun accepting more international submissions, expanding the diversity of our contributors and the topics they address. 

Changing Skies Vol. II Launched Dec. 1st, 2023!

Read Vol. II Here

When we began production on Changing Skies Vol. II, we knew we wanted to take a visual approach that differed from our debut outing. Developing a strong design style that captured the sense of Hindsight, our parent journal, while still allowing Changing Skies to evolve into its own identity, was a major focus for us.


In Changing Skies Vol. II, you’ll find an approach to page design that walks you in with beautiful art and keeps you walking through page after page of beautifully-written poetry and prose. Our goal has always been to highlight the incredible work of our contributors, and we believe the layout of our pages is crucial to properly appreciating what is on them.


We approached the cover of Volume II with the same philosophy, wanting a step in a new direction from Changing Skies Vol. I while holding onto the core visual identity that is Hindsight. This year’s cover, featuring beautiful photography by Deborah Ajilore and long-time Hindsight contributor Daniel Workman, works to create a stunning interplay of black, white, color, and texture. With simple typography and carefully-chosen hues, we believe the cover of Changing Skies Vol. II is the best yet. 


Ian Hall, Editor-in-Chief of Hindsight and Changing Skies


From Changing Skies Vol. I

"Watching these icebergs that broke off the Greenland ice sheet pour into the ocean is magnificent and terrifying. I am sixteen, and I already know too much about climate change to sleep at night. It is all I talk about with my friends, all I learn about at school, and all I feel as I sit here in the Arctic. I hear climate projections in terms of my birthday..."

Changing Skies Vol. 1 second printing cover jpeg.jpg

Changing Skies Volume II launched on December 1st, 2023

Read Changing Skies Volume II online! 

The launch event for Changing Skies Volume II will took place on December 1st at 6:30 p.m. in the Chancellor's Hall at CU Boulder's Center for Academic Success and Engagement. Watch the live-stream of the event here! 


Art by Jack Elder

Submitting to 
 Changing Skies

Submissions to Changing Skies must address or center climate issues.  

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